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From the archives 2021

Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Pennsylvania and who can get it (DISCONTINUED)

by Daniel Simmons-Ritchie of Spotlight PA |

IMPORTANT: This service by Spotlight PA has been discontinued as of May 17, 2021, now that vaccines are more readily accessible. Providers in your local area can be found by visiting vaccines.gov. This map is no longer being updated and is now out of date.

Want to know where to get the COVID-19 vaccine in Pennsylvania? We’ve got you covered.

Below is a map of current vaccine providers as provided by the state Department of Health. Spotlight PA is unable to independently verify the information for every provider included by the health department on this map. Availability of the vaccine varies by provider, and you should contact them directly to learn more about how to get it. This map will update every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, consistent with updates from state health officials. We’ll be adding additional vaccine data to our coronavirus tracker as well as our weekly COVID-19 alerts email customized to your county.

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