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3 riddles for Thanksgiving dinner

The Investigator
Special Thanksgiving edition
November 28, 2019 | spotlightpa.org
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We're thankful for you!
This Thanksgiving, we want to thank you for reading and taking an interest in our work. Whether you come for the behind-the-scenes interviews, the roundups of the state's best journalism or the riddles, we're happy to have you.

We're giving you a break from the news this week and instead offering up a special triple Riddler edition to puzzle over around the dinner table (without any hints!). We'll pick three winners to get some Spotlight PA swag.

The regular Investigator newsletter will resume next week.

Warm wishes from our family to yours,
Chris, Joanna, Carl, Aneri, Angela, Charlotte, Sara, Dan and Rebecca

PS: If you'd like to give a gift of support this Thanksgiving, your tax-deductible donation will be TRIPLED.

Since last week, these donors have had their gifts tripled: Stacey C., Rhonda W., Robert O., John C., Matt L., T. Hechler, D. Kerr, D. Krantz, John B., Daniel B., Janet L., John G., David M., Noah P., Rasesh K., T. Machado, Connie and Terry D., T. Buehner, Raymond W., and Leslie S. Join the effort now.

Send your answers to newsletters@spotlightpa.org.
1. Turkey Count (Case No. 12): There are 83 turkeys on a turkey farm, but only one has been pardoned. How do you know which turkey was pardoned?

2. Land Ho! (Case No. 13): Six pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts by sea on Sunday and left the next day on Sunday. How is that possible?

3. Contaminated sauce (Case No. 14): A couple sat down for Thanksgiving dinner and agreed to share cranberry sauce from a can. The husband used a knife to cut the cranberry sauce in half, and they each ate a half. Immediately after eating it, the wife became seriously ill but the husband was fine. Why?

Do you have a riddle you want featured in The Investigator? Send it to us!

Last week's answer: The man was playing Monopoly. Congrats to Jenn D., who will receive some Spotlight PA swag. Other subscribers who correctly answered: Jeff W., Edward O., Claudia M., George S., Robert B., K. Hepler, Jonathan T., Jim S., Jon N., and Oscar A-L.
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