March 29, 2023Kent M. Wilhelm / Spotlight PAPa. primary election 2023: A complete guide to the candidates for Commonwealth and Superior Courtsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA
March 28, 2023Matt Smith / For Spotlight PAPennsylvania court decision does little to clear up confusion over fixing mail ballotsby Carter Walker of Votebeat
March 28, 2023Daniel Fishel / Spotlight PAHow Spotlight PA will cover Pennsylvania’s 2023 primary electionby Christopher Baxter of Spotlight PA and Sarah Anne Hughes of Spotlight PA
March 21, 2023Deborah Kunselman, Daniel McCaffery, Carolyn Carluccio photos via candidate Facebook pages; Patricia McCullough photo via 2021 campaign website.Pa. primary election 2023: A complete guide to the candidates for state Supreme Courtby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA
March 9, 2023Courtesy Pennsylvania Capital-StarKey Pa. senator’s record has Democrats, voting advocates worried passing election reform will be difficultby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Feb. 28, 2023Kent M. Wilhelm / For Spotlight PAPa. judges offer conflicting opinions on whether fraud evidence is needed for recount requestsby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Feb. 28, 2023Monica Herndon / Philadelphia InquirerSee how your Pennsylvania county ranks on voter friendlinessby Spotlight PA Staff
Feb. 21, 2023Leise Hook / For Spotlight PAUnequal election policies disenfranchised Pennsylvania voters in 2022by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of Votebeat
Feb. 15, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAWhy election problems continue to plague this northeast Pa. countyby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Feb. 14, 2023Steven M. Falk / Philadelphia InquirerShapiro sat courtside at a Sixers game with a donor. His campaign called it a ‘political meeting.’by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Feb. 9, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PACourt won’t force Pa. to release voter info for 2020 election inquiry. That doesn’t mean it’s Carter Walker of Votebeat
Feb. 7, 2023Jose F. Moreno / Philadelphia InquirerDemocrats sweep special elections, affirming first Pa. House majority in 12 yearsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Jan. 13, 2023Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PASpecial elections to fill Pa. House seats vacated by Democrats should be held Feb. 7, court rulesby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of Votebeat
Jan. 13, 2023Carter Walker / VotebeatNo significant changes found in hand recount of 2020 presidential election in Pa.’s Lycoming Countyby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Jan. 8, 2023Matt Smith / For Spotlight PAThis Pa. county is about to start a hand recount of its 2020 presidential election resultsby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Jan. 5, 2023CHARLES FOX / Philadelphia InquirerGov.-elect Josh Shapiro taps Trump target Al Schmidt to be Pa.’s top election officialby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Dec. 29, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PACentury-old law let voters file baseless recount petitions and delay Pa.’s election certificationby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Dec. 29, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAThe Pennsylvania legislature is getting a major infusion of new blood this Januaryby Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA
Dec. 12, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PADespite midterm losses, Pa. Republicans appear unlikely to abandon combative agendaby Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Dec. 10, 2022Commonwealth Media ServicesWith majority at stake, Pa. House Republicans sue to block Democratic-scheduled special electionsby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Dec. 10, 2022Jessica Griffin / Philadelphia InquirerCost of Pennsylvania governor’s race sets new record amid ‘campaign finance arms race’by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
Dec. 9, 2022Matt Smith / For Spotlight PAWolf administration seeks to finish off Pa. Senate GOP’s languishing 2020 election inquiryby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Dec. 7, 2022Alejandro A. Alvarez / Philadelphia InquirerDispute over Pa. House special elections, control likely heading to courtby Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Dec. 1, 2022Amanda Berg / For Spotlight PAUnprecedented number of recount requests delay election certification in at least 3 Pa. countiesby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Dec. 1, 2022Heather Khalifa / Philadelphia InquirerThe teams helping Josh Shapiro prepare to become Pa.’s governor include wealthy donors, Republicansby Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Nov. 29, 2022Matt Smith / For Spotlight PARejecting undated mail ballots disproportionately impacts communities of color in Pa., data showsby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Nov. 24, 2022Commonwealth Media ServicesPennsylvania House Democrats will lose their majority for at least a few weeks. Here’s Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Nov. 23, 2022Commonwealth Media ServicesThe post-election review designed to give Pa. voters more confidence in the results, explainedby Carter Walker of Votebeat
Nov. 23, 2022Heather Khalifa / Philadelphia InquirerHow Democrat Josh Shapiro won Pennsylvania’s 2022 election for governorby Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA and Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
Nov. 18, 2022Alejandro A. Alvarez / Philadelphia InquirerThe Democratic takeover of the Pa. House will be a little messy to start. Here’s Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA